Winter Cherry

- Benefits in Home Based Remedies
Winter Cherry
This plant is readily available. Usually its roots, and sometimes the leaves, are used for medicinal purposes.

It is a renowned tonic, aphrodisiac and nervine sedative. In addition, it has astringent and alterative properties.

Leaves and roots are narcotic. It is also diuretic and a form of bitters. It decreases vayu and kapha.

Besides being a tonic, it works wonders especially in cases of backache, pain in joints, rickets, seminal debility, premature ageing and weakness due to sexual exhaustion.

It is equally beneficial to ladies. It reduces weakness, cures leucorrhoea and tones up the uterus. It is very useful during convalescence,

The preparation of this medicine is very simple. Take the dry roots of winter cherry and get it powdered. 3 to 6 grams of powder either with honey or sugar and ghee given morning and evening along with a cupful of milk nourishes the body, rejuvenates the whole system and is most beneficial for an emaciated person.

Those who are very thin and want to gain weight and become healthy and robust should take it morning and evening, with a cupful of milk for at least a period of three to six months and notice the difference. It is but natural that when such an experiment is being carried out, too much of fried things, and food of sour. Acid and pungent tastes should be avoided and only simple nutritious diet should be taken.

Ashwagandha not only builds up physical strength but is ideal for nervous debility and nervous exhaustion. It removes weakness of the nerves, exhaustion, insomnia and mental debility.

There is a well established form of massage with the oil prepared from Ashwagandha for a thin and emaciated body. External application of Ashwagandha oil proves beneficial in the case of emaciated children suffering from rickets and young women with poor bustline.

Nowadays young people generally complain about nightmares and weakness of the seminal system for which the use of Ashwagandha morning and evening as indicated above helps a lot. A syrup prepared from Ashwagandha can be given to under nourished children and I cures skin disorders as well.

Ashwagandha along with vidarikanda and liquorice in the form of powder, given morning and evening, increases breast-milk.

The dose for treatment of rickets in children is 4-6 grains 4 times a day with honey and cow's milk 8-16 rattis or 16-32 grains at bedtime with honey and milk relieves vayu and brings sound sleep.

It is very useful and efficacious in cases where there is excessive rapidity of the heart's action. It tones up the heart.

Expert ayurvedic physicians prescribe it in cases of infertility. The woman has to take this powder for four days after the menstrual period along with cow's milk.

Ashwagandha, is employed in numerous ayurvedic remedies and a separate treatise can be written on it. Suffice it to say that it is a boon for emaciated, under nourished and physically and mentally exhausted individuals.


Vasaka - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Vasaka is a very well known remedy available everywhere and it is especially popular in rural areas. Acknowledging its medicinal properties, it has been adopted by modern medical practitioners also.

This bush grows in all parts of the worlds and the bark, flowers, roots and leaves are used in medicine. The leaves enjoy a reputation as a useful remedy in the cure of coughs and bronchitis.

The plant has pungent and astringent taste. It is cold in action. It normalizes kapha and pitta and improves the voice. It is useful in ridding the patient of coughing and asthma and can be given as a cure in any disease with which these symptoms are associated. It is beneficial to the tuberculosis patient. Vasaka's special virtue is stopping bleeding due to the aggravation of pitta, through the mouth, nose, genitals, or the urinary systems.

The leaves are dampened and then pounded, and one teaspoon of the resultant juice is useful in cases of chronic bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. This is not to say that it always cures all these diseases but it does give immediate relief.

Being a very good expectorant, it draws out all kapha (phlegm) accumulated in the lungs. In many cases where bronchitis is due to lack of appetite and poor digestion, the juice of Vasaka is mixed with the juice of ginger and honey and given in the early morning on an empty stomach.

Given in the early stages of tuberculosis, the juice of Vasaka, thrice a day, helps a patient who is prone to incessant coughing. In many of the cough syrups that are available, Vasaka has been used either as a base or as an ingredient.

Boiled and put on the bladder region, the leaves produce a diuretic action, reduce the swelling of the kidney and lead to clear urination. Persons suffering from bleeding piles or diarrhea, accompanied by bleeding, or women suffering from menorragia can take the juice of Vasaka 2 to 3 times a day to great advantage.

Dried and powdered leaves also form a remedy for bronchitis in the dose of 40 grains twice a day. In liquid form the dose is about half to one teaspoon. In excessive doses of 1 to 2 ozs. An emetic action results inducing vomiting in which all the kapha is removed.

In ancient times the root of the Vasaka was tied on the back below the navel region and it is said that it produced safe, painless delivery.

Vasa avaleha, useful in easing all sorts of coughs, especially in the case of asthma, and bronchial congestion, is made in the following manner: the juice of 1 seer of Vasaka leaves is boiled with ¼ seer of white sugar, 4 tolas long peppers and 4 tolas pure ghee, until the mixture is reduced to a jelly form. After cooling, ¼ seer of honey is added and the preparation is mixed thoroughly. The mixture is given in ½ ounce doses.

A liquid preparation of Vasaka known as Vasasav given in half ounce measures after the principal meals, reduces production of kapha (phlegm) and relieves excessive coughing. The juice of Vasaka leaves softens the bronchial tube.

It is also useful in reducing aggravation of pitta and discomfort due to jaundice.

The roots and bark possess a virtue well-known for their expectorant properties.

If well-known patented expectorant remedies have failed to give you relief, by all means try this home remedy.


Tamarind - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Tamarind fruit is carefully gathered and the pulp is separately collected and stored.

Tamarind has a variety of uses. The unripe fruit is acid in taste, whereas the pulp of the ripe fruit is both sweet and acid and is cooling, carminative, digestive and laxative. It is anti-bilious and anti-scorbutic.

The leaves and seeds are astringent. Tender leaves and flowers have a cooling effect. The bark is astringent and serves as a tonic.

According to ayurvedic theory, our diet should include all the six tastes – sweet, sour, pungent, acid, bitter and astringent, tamarind supplies the acid-sweet tastes.

Its use in cooking is well known and is much in vogue particularly in South India. Added in proper measure. Tamarind is beneficial to health, excessive use may prove harmful to the body.

In summer elixir type syrup is prepared from it, which is very cooling and anti-bilious. Sometimes it is given to patients suffering from fever, sunstroke and inflammatory conditions.

It is prepared thus: Boil 1 oz each of tamarind fruit and dates in a quart of milk, strain and add some cloves, cardamoms and a few grains of camphor.

The pulp of the ripe fruit along with the skin of dates or gur mixed freely in water, stirred and filtered, along with pepper, cardamom, clove and a little salt makes a very tasty and delicious ream, which is often taken along with food.

It is commonly used in the preparation of curries and chutneys.

When heavy intoxication is caused by bhanga or cannabis indica, the syrup of panaka prepared from tamarind serves as an antidote. It is also given in cases of liquor or dhatura poisoning.

One tola each of tamarind pulp, dates, seeds of pomegranate and embolic myrobalan are powdered together and mixed with 32 tolas of water. About 2 ozs. Dose of the resultant emulsion is then taken.

In medicine, the pulp of the fruit, seeds, leaves, flowers and the bark are all used.

The pulp of the fruit is useful in constipation. According to the Unani system, the pulp is effective in controlling fever. It purges the bile.

The red outer covering of the seed is an effective remedy against diarrhea and dysentery. About 10 grains of powder of the seeds with an equal quantity of cumin seeds and sugar is given 2-3 times daily.

The seeds powdered and given to women are beneficial in leucorrhoea. Another method is to soak the seeds in water overnight, next morning the skin is removed and the seeds are immersed in milk and given for drinking. This removes leucorrhoea.

The seed rubbed with water and applied to a scorpion sting renders relief.

For the prevention of smallpox, villagers use seeds with turmeric powder and an equal quantity of water for three days.

Leaves are crushed with water and juice extracted. It is useful in feverish conditions and in burning when passing urine.

Poultice prepared from the leaves applied on swelling relieves the trouble.

Juice extracted from the flowers is given internally for bleeding piles.

Gargling with tamarind water aids in the healing of sore throat. Tamarind water with ghee and sugar will stop diarrhea caused as a result of drastic purgatives.

The bark of the tree is burnt and from the ash kshar or salt is prepared. Which is very efficacious in chronic abdominal colic. This is known as Chinchakshara.

Tamarind is efficacious in preventing or curing scurvy.

In short, tamarind which is widely used in cooking, has numerous medicinal applications.


Turmeric is one of the most useful or our condiments. Available in fresh form throughout the year, it is versatile in its uses.

The tubers and rhizomes are the parts used. Haldi acts as a stimulant, carminative, tonic, appetizer, astringent, decreases vayu (aches and pains) and is useful in blood impurities. It is used in the treatment of cough, anaemia, swelling, hiccups and ulcers. Here are some remedies with a Haldi base:

In cold and cough, tiny pieces of turmeric boiled in milk should be eaten and the milk drunk. This clears the throat.

Turmeric and Aamalaki (Embelic Myobalan) should be taken together in the form of a decoction. This will clarify the urine, remove constipation and lessen the burning sensation (if any) while passing urine.

Shodhal, a great authority on Ayurveda, suggests that the fresh leaves of tamarind and turmeric should be rubbed together and filtered with cold water. This water should be drunk once a day. This is a highly effective remedy and a preventive measure against smallpox.

For swelling caused by external injuries, turmeric rubbed in water and applied in the form of paste relieves pain and reduces swelling.

Turmeric given to women in the post-delivery period purifies breast-milk and strengthens up the reproductive organs.

Turmeric powder is used for rubbing on the skin of babies at the time of bath and this makes the skin nice, smooth and clean. Turmeric, however, is mixed with the powder or green gram, gingelly or yellow sarson (mustered) oil.

For diseases of the eye, tamarind leaves and turmeric in the form of a poultice externally applied to the eyes, relieves swelling and pain. Even if the eyes and ulcers are washed with a mild decoction of turmeric, they become clean and pain is reduced.

Fresh turmeric juice is applied to ulcers, wounds etc.

The powder of the root, 8 – 10 rattis (16 to 20 grains) twice a day with honey is given for dyspepsia, gastric troubles, flatulence and gastritis.

A paste of turmeric along with neem leaves is used for ringworm, itching, eczema and other skin disorders.

The preparation known as Brihata Haridrakhanala prepared from turmeric given in doses of 3 to 6 grains with a glassful of water morning and evening acts effectively in eradication of urticaria and other allergic manifestations. Further it purifies the blood.

Shankha Pushpi

Shankha Pushpi - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Shankha Pushpi is a well known herb used especially for increasing energy. It is a boon to mental workers like professors, students, solicitors, lawyers and educationists. The plant and its fresh juice are used for medicinal purposes.

It is an appetizer, digestive, carminative and nerve tonic. It is astringent and bitter.

According to ayurvedic theory, It increases the power of mental faculties and it is called a "pittashama". It improves the voice and is useful in cases of fits and epilepsy.

Those who complain of poor memory can take it to advantage.

It has been used in medicine since Vedic times and its pre-Vedic use dates back to 1000 B.C. from pre-Vedic times it has been considered useful for the purpose of conception, and Dimak and Khorey have acknowledged it as a laxative, rejuvenator, vitaliser and nerve tonic.

Students nowadays are in search of a brain tonic. It can be said very safely that the parts of the tree, known as 'Panchanga' (root, stem, leaves, flower), powdered together and taken in a dose of 3 to 6 grams morning and evening with sugar and milk improves the memory.

It induces sound sleep and removes constipation, fatigue, weakness, gas in stomach, dyspepsia etc.

There are various remedies descried in ayurveda which contain shankha Pushpi Ghrita.

Given in doses of ¼ to ½ tola, morning and evening, it proves beneficial in the case of undernourished children who are not gaining weight and whose growth is retarded, be it physical or mental.

Extract of Gulancha, root of apamarga. Vayavidanga, Shankhapushpi, Kustha, Vacha, Shatavari and Chebulic Myrobalan – all these powdered together and taken in doses of 3 grams, morning and evening, proves efficacious in cases of loss of memory, even in advanced stages.

Today when there is such a lot of complaint about loss of memory, fatigue, mental exhaustion stress and strain, this innocent ayurvedic herbal remedy can be prescribed without any hesitation. Fresh juice of this plant, along with honey, is given in many types of insanity.

Spreading Hogweed

Spreading Hogweed - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

There are three varieties, black, white and red available, of which black is very difficult to get but the red one is available throughout.

Punarnava is one of the most important Ayurvedic herbs. It is an appetizer, brings clear motion, it is a Rasayana (rejuvenator). It is dry, sweet, and beneficial to the heart. It induces perspiration.

Several formulae are described in Ayurveda containing Punarnava.

Punarnavarishta ½ oz. with an equal quantity of water taken after principal meals brings about clear urine, improves the blood and is highly effective in kidney disorders. The Liquid Extract of Punarnava given to patients suffering from swelling of the kidney, known as Nephritis, has been found very useful. It allays fever also.

Another remedy is Punarnavadiquath. 1-2 tolas are boiled with two glasses of water, reduced to quarter glass and divided into two doses. One such dose morning and evening brings about clear urine. Removes the toxins circulating in blood and purifies the blood. It is also useful to patients suffering from renal calculi.

Punarnvadi Mandur is another popular remedy. 2-4 rattis of it morning and evening, with arogyavardhini, removes constipation, reduces swelling, is useful in ascites and allays anaemia.

The name "Punarnava" ("Puna" means "again", 'Nava" means "new") is itself indicative of its marvelous efficacy as a Rasayana. Rejuvenator. In cases of swelling, whether it be general or local. Punarnava has its own unique place in treatment, and extensive research carried out on this valuable drug may yield quite surprising results to the benefit of suffering humanity.


Sarsaparilla - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

The juice of the sarsaparilla root and bark is used in medicine. It is a valuable blood purifier. It increases the quantity of urine. It is diaphoretic and taking all its qualities into consideration, it has a good tonic effect on the body.

According to ayurvedic treatises, it increases the quantity of semen. It is a good stimulant, appetizer, especially beneficial in skin disorders and it maintains the equilibrium of the tridoshas.

There are two varieties available, black as well as white, Medicinally both have got the same virtues.

Indian Sarsaparilla is used to increase appetite and remove dyspepsia, at the same time improving the digestion. It decreases fever and is effective in cases of skin and nutritional disorders.

It is the experience of physicians of the traditional system of Indian medicine that in blood disorders and impurities of the skin, mere local applications do not work wonders; only temporary relief can be achieved.

If a blood purifier like Sarsaparilla is advinistered internally in the form of infusion, decoction, syrup, extract, powder of asava, it cures the disorder permanently and there is no relapse.

It cures the blood impurities, increases strength and improves the quality and quantity of semen. It can be given to a pregnant woman for the entire period of nine months and the new – born infant will be found to be healthy, fairskinned and handsome.

The infusion prepared from Sarsaparilla increases the quantity of urine and relieves any burning sensation while passing urine. Take about 2 ozs. Of the powder, boil it in 20 ozs. Of water and when there is a residue of about 2 ozs. Filter it. It increases urine and causes sweat.

In cases of gonorrhoea and syphilis, where the blood impurity is not relieved by any other drug, Sarsaparila produces a marvelous effect.

Sarivadyarishta is a well – known preparation made from Sariva (another Sanskrit name for sarsaparilla). Given ½ oz. with an equal quantity of water after the principal meals, it cures many blood disorders like hronic eczema. It relieves itching and is useful in csabies, ulcers, chronic blood disorders of a syphilitic origin, and allergic disorders. It is given also in cases of male infertility where venereal infection is cause.

There are several other ayurvedic preparations of Sariva in the form of ghee, jelly, oil and asava.

Sacred Fig

Sacred Fig - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Sacred Fig tree is worshipped by hindus, not merely on sentimental or religious grounds, but because of its valuable medicinal properties.

Its virtues have been brought to light by our ancient masters of the art and science of medicine. The root, bark and even the delicate leaves and fruits are used for medicinal purposes.

The bark is astringent, cooling, soothing, helps normalize pitta and kapha and has nutritive value. The fruits aid digestion, act as a carminative, blood purifier, tonic, aphrodisiac and increase the semen. The leaves have mildly laxative and astringent effects.

The leaves are boiled in milk and water, filtered and the milk is given to drink. It relieves the burning sensation caused by gonorrhoea and reduces pus cells.

The root bark is boiled and the infusion used for washing ulcers and abscesses. The thin powder of the bark is spread over ulcers, which it cleans and its antiseptic properties hasten healing.

Decoction of the root bark is used for gargling. Women suffering from leucorrhoea can take a douche of the same and it has been found very efficacious. Persons suffering from blood impurities and skin disorders also take the water prepared from boiling the bark of the tree. It has been found that the bark has a specific medicinal component which purifies the blood.

Patients suffering from gout can take the decoction prepared from the root bark with a little honey added to it and it will reduce pain as a result of purification of the blood.

The delicate buds of this tree known as pipala jata after being washed are pounded, made into a paste and given with milk for three days after menstruation to increase the power of conception.

The fruit is dried and the powder prepared from it is given with honey to patients suffering from dyspepsia.

In early childhood when there is a hint of stammering and the speech is not clear, the fruit given to a child causes an improvement in the speech.

The fruits are an effective tonic and can be given to both men and women for purification of the sperm and ovum. It is a soothing and cooling remedy.

The juice of the bark along with that of the leaves helps to heal mouth ulcers. The application of the milk juice is also very useful in case of cracked feet and skin.

The above are but a few of the medicinal uses of the sacred fig. which is used in many more ways as medicine in rural areas.


Saffron - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Grown in the season of autumn, the saffron plant is a dwarf herb. It is mainly cultivated in Iran and Spain, but now grows in Kashmir (India) also.

It is a tonic, stimulant, rejuvenator, appetizer, digestive and antispasmodic. It relieves pain.

It is used in cooking and in the preparation of sweetmeats to which it imparts a special fragrance, taste and colour. A special preparation known as dudhapaka, is made in Indian homes in which milk and rice are boiled and saffron is added.

In ancient times saffron was mixed with sandalwood and other aromatic ingredients and applied on the chest or forehead for a cooling, soothing effect, and to invigorate the mind.

Saffron has its medicinal properties also. There are many tonics which contain saffron. It reduces the effect of cold. Grandma mixes saffron in milk and applies on the scalp, forehead, extremities and chest when a child is suffering from cold.

There are people who catch allergic colds off and on. The powder of saffron, in dose of 1– 2 rattis with honey, morning and evening, with a cupful of milk, tea or coffee will reduce the tendency to allergic cold.

Saffron has been used in remedies for diarrhea and dysentery. Given to young women, it helps in the cure of anaemia. It cures difficult and scanty periods and promotes regular healthy, monthly ones. Saffron increases breast-milk.

Saffron improves the colour of the skin, relieves vomiting sensation and is useful in cases of worms. It is applied externally in the form of a paste in cases of headache.

It has been found effective in cases of seminal debility, and as a stimulant and aphrodisiac it is considered to be a sovereign remedy. It has been used with success in cases of weakness.

Saffron is thus well known for its food value, fragrance and medicinal properties. It is also used in religious rites.

Rauwolfia Serpentine or Sarpagandha

Rauwolfia Serpentine - Benefits of Herbs

Sarpagandha ranks first among all the contributions by India to the modern medical world.

It has been used in the ancient system of medicine for the treatment of insomnia, hyper irritability and insanity. Research workers have discovered that it is highly effective in the treatment of hypertension.

Sarpagandha is available in the form of roots. It is the root of Sarpagandha that is used and its powder is used in dose of 4-6 rattis (8 to 12 grains). It has a quick effect on high blood pressure and it keeps the high blood pressure under control. A noteworthy feature is that it never lowers the blood pressure below the right limit.
It has a bitter taste, so it is made in the form of tablets and 1 to 2 tablets after the principal meals and one at bedtime are given in cases of high blood pressure. It induces sound sleep.

It relieves tension, anxiety and worry and fat people especially find it effective. Whenever a patient is extremely irritable and is behaving in an unruly manner, Sarpagandha has been found effective. However, it should be used with great care in the case of the debilitated, or those habitually depressed.

It relieves constipation in the case of patients suffering from hypertension as also headache. While it is used, a little chill or cold, and sometimes sneezing, may be observed in some cases.

In the case of gonorrhoea, when there is a burning sensation and pain while passing urine, and sleep is disturbed, if this medicine is given, it induces sound sleep at the same time reducing pain. It is equally useful for males as well as for females.

In the konkan area people are sometimes bitten by the snake called purusha, and a massive dose of 1-2 tolas 910-20 grams) of sarpagandha powder is given with water. A paste prepared by rubbing the root in water is also applied on the affected portion.

It is given to women during certain stages of labour to increase the contraction of the uterus. It is a uterine stimulant.


Onion - Benefits in Home Based Remedies

Onion hardly needs an introduction. It forms an essential part of vegetables, though due to its typical odour (Durgandha), a section of people avoid it on religious grounds but a great majority use it as routine item of food. It is a very useful and effective home remedy and its bulb and seeds are used for medicinal purposes.

It is hot in action, stimulant, relieves Kapha and has a carminative action. It is considered as musk by poor people in rural areas. In cases of eholera, when nothing is available, the plain juice of onion is given for drinking and on the whole body this juice is rubbed.

The bulb broken and given for smelling removes unconsciousness. In many an emergency this has been tried with success.

The juice of onion, one or two drops, poured into the ear relieves earache. The juice is also applied for scorpion sting. A poultice is prepared after boiling onion which when applied to an abcess makes it ripe.

Patients suffering from disorders of Vayu can make use of onion in the same way as they do with garlic.

Onion is a constituent of many of the aphrodisiacs. Onion cut into small pieces, fried in pure ghee and taken early morning continuously for 21 to 42 days acts as a powerful aphrodislac.

Rural folks after a long walk take onion and gur with water, which gives them stamina.

In cases of sunstroke, the use of onion stops thirst on the spot and mitigates the effect of sunstroke.

The powder of black gram (udad) is rubbed in the juie of onion for seven days and the dried powder in the form of kanji produces an aphrodisiac effect.

Often onion is eaten raw or with salt and pepper. Onion eaten with gur helps the growth of children.


Benefits of Neem, Natural Healing Herb

The Neem tree is very well known for its medical properties and every part of the plant is used in ayurvedic medicines, the bark and the leaves being in breater use.

The bark is astringent a form of bitters, an anti – periodic, and has cooling properties. The fruit is emollient and acts as a laxative. The leaves possess blood purifying and antiseptic properties.

The decoction prepared from the leaves works as an antiseptic lotion and is used for dressing wounds and ulcers. Those who are suffering from blood impurities have a bath with this decoction where soap is contra indicated.

Poultices prepared from boiled leaves are applied on swellings. In the rural areas even today fresh juice of neem leaves, given in doses of 1 to 2 ozs. Prevents puerperal sepsis. It increases appetite, relieves debility, promotes normal bleeding and strengthens the uterus.

In cases of gonorrhoea, when there is external swelling, the boiled leaves can be applied, otherwise a patient is asked to have a tub bath. This relieves the pain and brings clear urine without any difficulty.

There are many prescriptions for blood impurities in which the internal bark of the tree is used.

Neem trees planted near dwellings have a prophylactic effect against malaria. Its antimalarial properties have been acknowledged by top-ranking research workers. Many European writers have found it useful I the treatment of intermittent fever and they have described its effect as akin to that of cinchona.

The bark, in the form of powder or decoction or fluid extract, is given in cases of fever. The decoction with a little black pepper and chiretta is a well known remedy for fever.

Oil prepared from the neem known as Nimbadi oil, given in doses of 10 drops with fresh milk once a day, has been found effective at the beginning of leprosy.

Oil extracted from the fruits is used for application in the case of scabies, itching, blood impurities and ulcers.

From the neem flower confections are made. These are very useful in soothing, healing and removing blood impurities.

Today from the neem tree is very useful in dyspepsia, general debility, chronic skin diseases and even in early stages of consumption.

A vast majority of people use the tender twigs of the tree even today as a toothbrush. It helps maintain dental health and keeps the mouth and breath clean and sweet.

About half an ounce of leaves mixed with camphor and asafetida (4 grains each) and ¼ tola of jaggery (gur) at bedtime is clained to act as a prophylactic during epidemics.


Musale - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

There are two varieties available, white and black. The former is known as Safed Musali and the latter, Kali Musali. The white variety is more easily available and the roots are used for medicinal purposes.

It is sweet, cold, light, unctuous and the best tonic. It is aphrodisiac, strengthens the semen and is a galactagogue. The white variety contains more fat, the black one has more starch.

The powder of the white variety is boiled with milk and this milk taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach for a long period is very helpful for debilitated persons. The usual dose is 3-6 grams, but even 6-12 grams can be taken.

Many experienced clinicians give the powder of Shatavari along with musali and it increases breast – milk. This combination is also useful to ladies suffering from leucorrhoea.

A combination of embolic Myrobalan, Indian Cowhage, Gokharu, White Musali, extract of Gulancha, the root of Shalamali and sugar known as Mushalyadi Churna is given in dose of 3-6 grams with honey or milk morning and evening to increase sex libido. It improves the quality of semen.

The root of black Musali cut into small pieces is available in the market and is very efficacious. It is unctuous, diuretic, tonic and aphrodisiac. It is sweet, cold, subsides Pitta, burning sensation and removes blood impurity. The powder of black Musali can be taken in dose of 3-6 grams with honey morning and evening. Otherwise. The powder should be boiled in a cup or glassful of milk and a little cardamom, nutmeg and saffron can be added and it should be taken morning and evening. It this combination is prepared with cow's milk, it is more effective.

Nowadays people take various tonics for debility. Some of these contain merely combination of oil and water soluble Vitamins, some contain Iron and Folic acid and Minerals, a few contain male and female hormones also in smaller doses. Some such liquid tonics contain glycerophosphates also. However, it should be remembered that these are merely synthetic dietary supplements, whereas Shatavari, ashwagandha, Gokharu, Cowhage, Musali etc. described by us in the Section of home Remedies or in the Section of queries are very effective Ayurvedic herbs and tonics. They are quite innocent and have no side effects. They are very easily available. These tonics can be given to young and old men and women alike. The only thing to be borne in mind is that these tonics do not act in the same way as other stimulants. They slowly and gradually enrich the Rasa dhatu (body nutrient), whereby respectively the blood, flesh, semen etc. are enriched and a person experiences a state of general well being. The life – saving antibiotic drugs, which should be used only in serious emergencies under the guidance of an expert physician, are not being freely used even for minor ailments and they bring about a lot of debility. The diet is not as nourishing as it ought to be. It would therefore be better that grandmas and housewives learn about tonics like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Gokharu, Cowhage, Musali etc. and administer then to the family members to see that they are really benefited with tese useful tonics. Especially in the season of winter the regular use of these tonics will keep the body fine and fit for the rest of the year.


Lemon - Benefits in Home Based Remedies

This well-known citrus fruits so commonly used hardly needs any introduction.

It has many medicinal properties. 100 ounces of citrus juice contain about 7 to 9 ounces of citric acid.

The lemon is cooling and soothing and has a tonic value. It is also given in cases of nausea, anorexia, indigestion and distension.

Borax, lemon and sulphur are mixed together in the juice of lemon and the ointment thus obtained is applied on ringworm which clears up rapidly. Many patent ointments are available in the market which produce a temporary effect, while the above mentioned ointment is very effective as far as local treatment of ringworm is concerned. A slight burning may be experienced at first.

Before taking a meal, if one takes fresh ginger with a pinch of salt and lemon, it regularizes vayu and kapha, improves the appetite and gradually increases the peristaltic movement of the intestines and helps to eliminate constipation.

Many obese people have been benefited by taking lemon juice, honey and lukewarm water, mixed well, the first thing in the morning. Further it has been found efficacious in pregnant women who are given to vomiting. The dry skin of the fruit after removing the juice is burnt, and the ash is kept in water. Two grains of this ash with honey three times a day is an effective remedy for nausea.

The juice of a lemon or two added to a glass of boiling water sweetened to taste and taken at bedtime, works wonder in case of a bad cold.

In case of serious purgation caused by croton seeds or castor oil, a glass of lemon juice, in hot water sweetened to taste, stops diarrhea and creates a feeling of general well – being.

A lemon cut into four pieces filled with salt, black pepper and pepper, strung together and allowed to remain open over-night, chewed in the morning removes anorexia, loss of appetite and indigestion.

There are several ayurvedic preparations made with lemon juice. The best known is Suvarna Vasanta Malti, which is highly efficacious for increasing the weight of a patient.
For those who are weak. Emaciated and fatigued one pill of the above preparation twice a day will help increase vim and vigour.
There are several other preparations for treating gas, distension and constipation which are also prepared in the juice of lemon.

Lemon, of course, is used in the kitchen in a variety of ways.

Lodh Tree

Lodh Tree - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Lodh Tree used from very ancient times, Lodhra is one of the most well-known remedies for diseases of women. It is astringent and cold in action. It heals wounds, allays Kapha and stops bleeding. It is useful in inflammations and swellings. It tones up the mucus membrane and hence and most famous preparation Lodhra Asava ½ oz. with equal quantity of water after principal meals given to ladies allays Pitta. Subsides excessive bleeding, normalizes he menstrual flow and is a specific for leucorrhoea. Many expert clinicians mix it with Ashokarishta, with greater effect.

A combination of Lodhra Asava, Patranga Asava and Ashokarishta, mixed very well (do not shake) and given ½ oz with equal quantity of water after principal meals is a boon to weak, emaciated and debilitated women. It brings normal menstrual flow and stops excessive discharge. It relieves backache, anaemia, debility brought about by multiple child births; it tones up the uterus and the vaginal walls and stops the white discharge. Appetite increases, digestion improves, there is increase in the red blood cells and hemoglobin and, further, ladies put on weight by its use.

The powder of the bark of the tree applied in the form of Lepa or sprinkled in the vagina heals local ulcers. Regularly given in the preliminary months of conception, it lessens the possibility of abortion or miscarriage.

A well – known Ayurvedic formula "Supari Paka" 3-6 grams morning and evening with honey and milk along with Lodhra, after meals, is boon to a lady having secondary infertility and conception usually takes place.

The dose of the plain powder is 10-20 rattis (20-40 grains).

A combination of Lodhra, Alum, Punarnava and other items mixed together is used for gargling. It relieves the ulcers in the mouth and allays bleeding of the gums.

In loose motions, diarrhea, dysentery and stools with blood, the powder of Lodhra is given with curd and the effect is immediate.

Barley Powder

Barley Powder Benefits, Natural Healing Herbs

Barley is grown in many provinces in India. Dry decorticated (peeled-off) grain and the seeds are used in medicine.

Barley contains fat, starch, albumin, cellulose and ash containing various acids, iron and lime. It is given as a nutritive food to invalids. Especially during convalescence. About 10 tolas of barley is boiled in 4 pints of water and reduced to two pints.

Barley is diuretic, brings clear urine and is useful in fevers. Sugar and a little limbu can be added to it, otherwise it can be prepared in milk. In cases of mucus colitis, or simple diarrhea with fever, it is used as a nutrient. It can be given to women after delivery.

A pudding is prepared in the following manner:

Take 4 tablespoons of barley powder. Add sufficient quantity of milk to form a thin paste, pour on it a quart of boiling milk, then add a little butter, a tablespoon of lump sugar, fresh lemon peel for flavouring, and two eggs which have been well beaten up. Mix all together very well, and bake for an hour and a half in a slow oven. This is very nutritious. Easy to digest and is given to invalids.

Barley is also good for persons suffering from diabetes and can take the place of normal food where rice is prohibited.

A well-known medicine prepared from barley is known as Yavakshara, which is effective in urinary disorders and renal calculi. It is given in dose of 4 rattis (8 grains) with coconut water or other suitable drink, morning and evening.

According to some authorities, barley has a laxative value and hence it should not be given in excess to those who have loose bowels.

Betel Leaves

Betel Leaves Benefits, Herb Benefits

Betel leaves are cultivated in the tropical countries and especially in South India and Ceylon.

People take the leaves after food to clean the mouth, but nowadays they are taken with tobacco and other things as an addiction.

The juice is often used for medicinal purposes. Having a typical aroma, it is a mild stimulant and has a refreshing effect.

It removes anorexia, increases appetite, brightens up the complexion, alleviates vayu. It is a digestive, increases saliva and reduces pain. It is a vermicide.

Modern medical practitioners have also extracted a volatile oil from it which has been found to be an antiseptic, and good for the respiratory system and hence it is used in bronchitis. Many an ayurvedic preparation is given mixed with the juice of betel leaves; especially aphrodisiacs and tonics are freely mixed in the juice of pan.

Too much of pan chewing, however, spoils te teeth. It increases pitta of heat in the body. Children and pregnant women should not take pan.

Its juice is poured into the ears to relieve earache. The leaves are boiled and placed over abscesses. The ripe leaves contain medicinal properties to a higher extent and should be used for greater effect.

The betel leaf when chewed produces a sense of well-being. In ancient times members of princely families used to take it along with camphor, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg and other valuable aromatics. Taken particularly after dinner it produces a pleasant effect, refreshing the mind, giving vital power and removing bad odour from the mouth.


Liquorice - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Liquorice is a tonic, a diuretic, and a mild laxative and has cooling properties. It s sweet in taste, it reduces vayu and pitta.

It has been used with success in vomiting, nausea, ulcers, hoarseness of voice, skin disorders, hiccough etc. The dose (powder of the peeled root) is 20-40 grains.

There is a very simple and at the same time very useful preparation. Take liquorice mixed with triphala in the ratio of 20 : 40 grains daily at bedtime or early in the morning with milk, preferably cow's milk. The regular use of this prescription gives a very clear motion, and the urine also becomes clear.

Those who complain of premature ageing and senile debility may use this with advantage. In cases of excessive debility, loha, abhrak or banga bhasma can be added (doses) 1 to 2 grains each.

In epilepsy, the powder of liquorice is given with kushmand.

Ghee prepared with liquorice is used for the purpose of dressing wounds.

Liquorice is given with ativisha, pepper and yavakshara to children emaciated by chronic fever or cough. Liquorice taken by pregnant women promotes the natural growth of the infant and at the same time improves the complexion of the child.

Many ayurvedic preparations contain liquorice as a b ase. A very well known remedy is Swadishta Virechana Churna, which is useful as a mild laxative and a boon to those suffering from piles. Taken 2-3 teaspoons at bedtime it acts as a blood3purifier and also leads to a satisfactory motion. It is given to women after child – birth to increase breast milk.

Those suffering from leucorrhoea can take it as it will increase strength and vitality. All the ayurvedic texts agree that given with ghee and honey for a long time it is the best rasayana (rejuvenator) and Vajikarana (aphrodisiac). The Chinese have also ascertained the rejuvenating properties f liquorice and it is the main ingredient in jintan.

The decoction of liquorice is useful in stomatitis as well as hoarsenes of voice and laryngitis.

Its powder is given with honey in cases of jaundice and it allays excessive burning or heat.

Lozenges prepared from liquorice root are efficacious in bronchial affections. In ancient times, the root was used as an antidote against scorpion sting.


Kurchi - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

It grows to a height of 12 to 24 ft. and bears white aromatic flowers.

There are certain varieties; White, black, sweet or bitter. In medicinal use the black and bitter type has been found more effective, the bark of the root being mainly imployed.

The seeds of the tree are used medicinally, being roasted and powdered after being cleaned.

It is a form of bitter tonic, appetizer, astringent. Digestive, and useful in piles, diarrhea, dysentery, blood disorders, pitta, worms, fever and excessive mucus.

Nowadays a lot of complaints areheard about digestive disorders, mainly constipation or dysentery. To this there is a very effective remedy, kutaja bark or the fruits of the tree known as indrajava.

It has been used for centuries in medicine and modern research in the laboratory, as well as in the clinical field has proved it to be really efficacious. Kurchi has thus found an honorable place in modern pharmacopoeia.

The bark of kutaja contains a bitter ingredient of tonic value. It increases appetite and can be given in acute or chronic fever. It improves the digestive system and is especially efficacious in chronic stomach troubles, dysentery, diarrhea, sprue and piles.

It reduces mucus formation. Roasted indrajava 9seeds of kutaja) cures diarrhea and can be given for stomach troubles with butter milk or honey.

Kutaja is a boon for those suffering from dysentery. The powder of the bark is given with butter-milk. It stops the griping pain, reduces mucus and one gets a clear motion and real relief.

Grandmothers have been known to give indrajava to children from their very early days so that it nullifies the Kapha Dosha and children are not troubled by worms but remain healthy, normal and robust.

The bark of the kutaja contains useful salts and calcium and hence it is very useful in chronic stomatitis.

In chronic fever the bark of kurchi along with gulancha prepared as a decoction is effective.

Kutajaghan is a very well known remedy, and 2 to 4 pills morning and evening, prove effective in dysentery, loss of appetite and gas trouble. Kutajarishta ½ an oz. after meals is effective in dysentery.

The powder of the bark of the tree can be given about 30 to 60 grains. The dose of indrajava is 10 to 20 grains. The decoction to be taken is ½ oz. and extract of kutaja 5 to 10 grains.


Jambool - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

The jambool tree is well known for its astringent properties. The bark, seeds, leaves and fresh roots are all used for medicinal purposes. The juice of the fruit is diaphoretic, anti – diabetic and useful in stomach disorders. According to an eminent physician, glucoside jamboline is said to have the powder of checking the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in case of increased production of glucose.

In chronic cases of dysentery and diarrhea, a decoction of the bark is found to be efficacious. A gargle with such a decoction helps in relieving laryngitis, pharyngitis, scurvy and painful bleeding gums.

The fruit has a cooling and soothing property, but is astringent and slightly sour, so it should never be taken with milk. It must also be remembered that the ripe fruit taken in excess causes gas trouble.

Dried seeds of jambool are powdered and given to diabetic patients. Extract of the juice is given with a little salt to patients suffering from jaundice. It is given every alternate day.

Jambool fruit also acts favorably where there is an enlargement of the spleen.

A medicinal preparation from jambool, known as "jambuasava," is useful in the treatment of diabetes. Half an ounce is given with an equal quantity of water after meals. It also removes debility, which is the main symptom of diabetes. Half an ounce of liquid extract prepared from the juice, taken on an empty stomach, is also beneficial for diabetic patients.

A syrup prepared out of the juice of fresh ripe fruit, with a little sugar, makes a nourishing, soothing and cooling drink in summer.

A dose of 20 to 40 grains of the seeds relieves scanty or suppressed urine.

Isabgul Spogel Seeds

Isabgul Spogel Seeds - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Originally a Persian herb. The seeds are used for medicinal purposes. It is one of most well – known home remedies.

The seeds are cooling, demulcent and mildly astringent. They also have fine diuretic and laxative properties. Before use the seeds are cleansed of sand and grit. Soaked in water, they become swollen. They may be sifted through a fine mesh.

The dose is 2-4 grams but even half to one ounce or lass can be given.

It has a fine effect on the intestines and a double action, it removes constipation if any and at the same time it cures acute dysentery. It can be given with butter – milk or curd and immediately, it stops loose motions, and griping pain is alleviated.

A teaspoonful of the seeds steeped in water for half an hour and swallowed is an efficacious remedy for dysentery.

The powder of Kurchi 4 grains along with the powder o one dram of seeds of Isabgul gives another useful remedy for dysentery.

Chronic cases of dysentery which failed to react to intensive courses of emetine or Kurchi alkaloids, responded well to prolonged courses of liquid extract of Kurchi and Isabgul. Dose 2-3 dessert spoonfuls of the seeds of Isabgul with 2 drams of the liquid extract thrice or four times a day.

Whenever there is a burning sensation while passing urine, the use of Isabgul with a glassful of water gives comfort.

Isabgul one part, Harada (chebulic myrobalan) one part and Yashtimadhu one part – all three mixed very well and powdered and given in dose of 3 grams relieves constipation and one clear motion is obtained. This is a boon for persons suffering from piles.

Isabgul normalizes Kapha and pitta, and stops the formation of mucus in the stool. It is also highly effective in cases of spermaturia (the presence of semen in the urine)

It is given in the form of a mucilage, with milk, for nocturnal emissions, with good effect.

Wherever there is bleeding due to increase of Pitta or bile, the use of Isabgul proves advantageous.

For infantile diarrhea or dysentery, Isabgul may be given in small doses at intervals of an hour or two and it has been observed that it is a very useful remedy in such cases.

Basil (Tulsi)

Holy Basil (Tulsi) - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Holy Basil (Tulsi) is cultivated throughout world and finds a place in every Hindu home and near temples. Root, seeds and leaves, mainly the last, are used in medicine.

There are two varieties of tulsi, black and white, of which the black one is usually used. The juice of leaves is pungent, hot; it contains anti pyretic properties; it helps to make vayu and kapha subside and is a stimulant as it contains an active ingredient known as thymol.

The seeds are diaphoretic and unctuous. The tulsi contains an essential aromatic oil. It is a mosquito repellant and is therefore sometimes called "mosquito plant".

It is a well known home remedy. The powder of black pepper, mixed with the juice of tulsi leaves is given in malarial fever.

There are some preparations available which are given in the juice of the tulsi with ginger to patients who are unconscious and have reached a stage of collapse, where the pulse beat is imperceptible and the heart is sinking. At such times, the medical preparations given with ginger and tulsi juice do work wonders and the patient is brought back to consciousness.

The juice of leaves is fed to a person who is unconscious through snake – bite, and 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls are given at an interval of 2 to 3 hours. The juice is also applied on the whole body. It is applied in case of scorpion sting as well.

In ordinary form, the juice of the tulsi with cinnamon, cloves, cardamom. A little sugar and milk helps a lot in common cold and influenza. It brings about perspiration, reduces fever, pain in the joints and acts as an expectorant. Sometimes the juice of the leaf is applied all over the body in cases of malarial fever.

A few drops of the juice poured into the ear stops earache. The juice of leaves serves as a rejuvenator if taken twice a day at the rate of one teaspoonful. It gives a glow to the complexion.

The tulsi has been used in India from the Vedic period. At the time of epidemics and endemics it acts as a prophylactic.

The juice of the leaves given with the juice of garlic and honey reduces cough in a wonderful way. The juice cheeks vomiting; it removes intestinal worms.

Leaf – juice is used along with honey to make medical preparations. In certain varieties of skin disorders like itching, ring – worm and impure blood, the juice is applied on the affected part, as also taken internally.

Some mix a little lemon juice with it, which would be more effective in cases of ringworm, but in ordinary skin troubles, the juice of the tulsi alone would suffice.

Its seeds, mixed with gur or jaggery, taken morning and evening make a nutritious tonic, produce an aphrodisiac effect, and the preparation is useful in spermatorrhoea.

The powder of the root, taken with ghee daily in the evening produces a powerful tonic effect.

Another variety of tulsi known as jangli or vana tulsi is also used for medicinal purposes. One or two leaves are kept in the mouth to remove the foul smell, stomatitis and counteract diarrohoea.

The Tulsi is available every where with ease, and being very cheap and effective at the same time, it is quite a useful home remedy.

Heart - Leaved Moonseed

Heart – Leaved Moonseed

Heart – Leaved Moonseed has an enviable position among home remedies. It is a climbing plant and especially when it is attached to the Neem tree it becomes more effective. Its stem and root are used in medicine.

The sattva prepared from gulancha and known as Galosattva in the form of white powder given in dose of 4-8 rattis (8 to 16 grains) is the best remedy for burning sensation. It allays pitta, dyspepsia, weakness, leucorrhoea, a feeling of feverishness, and intermittent fever. It can also be given as a valuable tonic in debilitating diseases.

It is a diuretic and a form of bitters. It is vermicide also and vaidyas speak of its effect on tridoshas and in restoring the balance of vayu, pitta and kapha.

It especially reduces fat. It has a rasayana property i.e. it regulates the flow of rasa in body.

It is a tonic for the liver, purifies the blood and improves the quality of blood.

It increases appetite, removes the feeling of fatigue, improves digestion, increases the red corpuscles in the body. One gets clear urine, its paleness disappears, strength increases and it can be used during a convalescing period.

The extract prepared from Gulancha is known as Sham Shamni. It is useful in cases of fever and can especially be given to debilitated persons, in chronic fever when there is a burning sensation, and in cases of leucorrhoea in females.

Its use in ayurveda is very extensive and we can safely recommend this herbal remedy, which is easily available, for the improvement of health.


Henna - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

An indispensable cosmetic item, henna is popular with women. Aromatic essence is prepared from henna and it is applied to color the nails as also palms. Henna is a medicinal plant, too. The leaves are cooling, diuretic, have tonic value, and are used in cases of impurity of the blood and for reducing swelling.

The flowers have stimulant, narcotic properties and act as a tonic to the heart and nerves.

Some of the medicinal uses are:

Take the fresh leaves of henna, dry them in the shade and get them powdered. Take this powder (10 tolas) , senna leaves (2.5 tolas) and purified sulphur (2.5 tolas. Mix them all together in powder form.

Doses of 2 to 3 grams, morning and evening with honey, water or milk, remove blood impurities, cure scabies, pimples, itching, constipation, burning in the urine, leucoderma, and are useful in the initial stages of leprosy.

A paste, made of leaves, applied on the soles of the feet will give a very soothing and cooling effect to those suffering from smallpox. There is a special medicinal quality in the leaves of henna which gives a cooling and soothing effect to persons having a burning sensation in some part of the body.

Experienced ancient physicians of Maharashtra used to give the powder of the leaves, along with sugar, to cure spermatorrhoea. It stops semen passing through the urine, and makes the semen thick.

It is not a stimulant, but is mild and hence very useful for patients of pitta temperament.

A special preparation known as Tin oxide, banga bhasma, prepared from the leaves of henna, is also useful in cases of spermatorrhoea, genitor – urinary disorders, and it has no side reactions.

The seeds o henna are known as Kamarakasa, and they have a tonic and nutritive value.

In chronic eczema, gout, itching, scabies, chronic wounds and abscesses, the leaves of henna are made into a paste and applied. The paste is also applied in cases of pain and swelling in the joints.

In cases of stomatitis and soreness of throat, the decoction of the leaves is prepared, and gargling of this water helps heal up stomatitis.

Unani hakims prepare a kalpa out of henna to turn grey hair dark. It is better than artificial kalpas because of the beneficial and cooling effect of henna. Henna flowers are used in the preparation of hair oils.

In ancient times, a pillow stuffed with henna flowers was used to induce sleep.

The bark in the form of infusion is given to those suffering from jaundice and enlargement of the liver and spleen. Two teaspoonfuls of the juice, given early on an emply stomach, for seven days, are an efficacious remedy for jaundice.

The flowers were used for the purpose of distillation, and the fragrant water so prepared was employed by the ancients for bathing purposes.


Ginger - Benefits in Home Based Remedies

There are two varieties of Ginger (adrak) red and white flowers, as well as with small and big branches.

The leaves, the bark of the root, flowers, juice (i.e. the milk obtained by breaking the buds of the flowers) are all used for medicinal purposes.

It has a particular bitter taste and distinctive odor. It has a laxative effect and is a purifier. It has a fine effect on the heart akin to digitalis. The juice is an irritant and very hot in action, and should be used with care.

The flowers aid in digestion, remove stomach pain and have a tonic effect.

The gigantic swallowwort is a well – known home remedy, and it is not only a favorite in the rural areas but has also found its way to the higher circles. Ayurvedic physicians use it alone or in combination with other well – known drugs.

The leaves of the tree have wide medical application. Take the leaves, apply a little lukewarm castor oil and fix them on the stomach, tied with a string. This will relieve abdominal gas and colic spontaneously.

Take the juice of the leaves 16 parts, powder of turmeric one part and the oil of yellow sarson (musterd) 6 parts. Mix them all. The resultant oil applied on the skin in disorders like scabies and particularly chronic eczema, is found to be beneficial.

The powder of dried leaves sprinkled on wounds helps the healing process.

Five drops of the juice of the leaves mixed with honey, given morning and evening internally, proves beneficial in case of enlargement of the spleen and it removes the feeling of feverishness brought about by weakness.

The problem of dog bite (especially by rabid dogs) is not yet solved. Injections may be tried as a preventive measure but no sure remedy is available. However, there is a well – known formula used in the rural areas. The powder of the bark of the root of gigantic swallowwort, one part; powder of the leaves of the dhatura tree, 1/8 part; and sugar one part; are all mixed together, rubbed in water and pills prepared of 2 grains each.

The victim is first given a purgative (castor oil) and then these pills are started. For adults 3 pills and for youngsters 1-2 pills, according to age, are given early in the morning with a little water and then a little channa can be given, but nothing afterwards for three hours.

This treatment should be continued for 40 days. This medicine is considered to be an effective remedy for dog, fox or cat bite. No trouble is likely to arise later but if any tendency is observed, the juice of the leaves of gigantic swallowwort one part, 1/8 part of the juice of the leaves of the dhatura tree, and til oil one ounce, all mixed together should be given on the spot, and half that quantity on the second and third days.

The juice is used to prepare various bhasmas (oxides of well known ayurvedic metals).

Patients suffering from chronic rheumatic attachs can take the powder of the root of the gigantic swallowwort and ginger in equal quantities mixed together to form 6-12 rattis. It brings on perspiration, removes pain in the joints and is effective for reducing swelling of the joints.

A bhasma, prepared from the ripe leaves of this tree (64 parts) and common salt (4 parts), mixed together, is highly effective in digestive disorders and removes gas.

In cases of elephantiasis and the swelling of the scrotum, the root is ground into a paste with butter milk and applied to the swelling. This has been found efficacious in the preliminary stages.

Another well – known use of this tree is in ear ache, pus coming out of the ear accompanied by pain. The ripe leaves are roasted, the juice taken, and 2- to 5 drops are poured into the ears.

Gigantic swallow wort has effective use in kapha, cough, asthma and breathlessness. Dried flowers, 1-2 rattis, pounded and boiled with molasses, are used as a remedy for breathlessness.

Demuk, the well – known authority suggests: Take 125 flowers, dry them and powder them and mix them with one tola each of cloves, nutmeg, mace, pellitory root and make them into pills of half a tola each, one pill daily to be taken in the morning, dissolved in milk. This medicine is good for virility.

Guggula Or Gugul

Guggula Or Gugul - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Nowadays the problem of premature ageing is puzzling physicians and so many types of tonics are on sale that it would be quite proper to suggest a simple but effective ayurvedic tonic popularly known as Gugul or Balsamodendron Mukul.

Gugul trees are mainly cultivated in Cutch, Marwar and Saurashtra but are also found in other parts of the world. These trees grow to a height of 4 to 6 ft. In the winter and summer seasons their juice comes out and is collected in the form of Gugul. This Gugul is purified with a decoction of Triphala and the pure gugul thus obtained is used internally as well as externally. Although Gugul can be administered without being clarified, purified gugul is much more advantageous.

Gugul is a good and cheap tonic especially for the aged. The sweet variety from the Village Nara in cutch is considered to be the best.

Gugul is a blood purifier. It removes the impurities of blood through perspiration; impurity and discoloration of the skin is also cured by Gugul.

In chronic cases of rheumatism and arthritis it helps to relieve pain and produces a feeling of physical well – being. It keeps a person fit.

It is an appetizer as well as a carminative. It relieves vayu, strengthens the intestines, improves the digestive system and one gets good bowel movements.

In women obesity is often a problem. Scanty menses and painful periods due to accumulation of fat, and constipation respond favorably to the administration of gugul internally.

The usual dosage in all the above conditions will be 4-6 rattis or 8 to 12 grains two to three times a day.

Gugul is used in more than 100 ayurvedic medicines. Gugul in powder form mixed with ghee and applied in the form of a paste over a bandage on chronic and non – healing ulcers shows marvelous results.

Gugul, Sulphur and Borax all rubbed together in the form or ointment is an effective cure for what is known as Delhi Sore.

Pills prepared out of a mixture of Gugul, pure Shilajit and an extract of Gulancha, known as Shilajit Raayana, taken at the rate of 2 pills twice a day, counteract debility. It is particularly beneficial to people who are having trouble from enlargement of the prostate.

Given to women when the periods are about to cease, it relieves tension and other reactions. Vasaka, pepper, Honey and ghee along with gugul is a good remedy for chronic bronchitis.

Gugul, along with agar, khas, sandalwood etc. also makes a good incense.

Gingelly Seed or Sessame or Til

Gingelly Seed - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Gingelly seed (Til) is one of the most commonly used articles. Three varieties are available, black, white and red. The black variety is considered to be the best.

The oil extracted from the seeds is known as til oil or gingelly oil. It is considered as the best oil for cooking purposes from all medical points of view. It is unctuous, carminative, diuretic, aphrodisiac, increases the hair and purifies the ulcers.

The seeds of gingelly (Til) pounded and mixed with a little butter and sugar can be given to patients suffering from hemorrhoids. Several medicated hair oils and other oils intended for massage contain Til oil.

The residue obtained after extracting oil from the seeds is boiled and bound to the stomach to regulate menstrual flow. A tub bath with the decoction prepared from the leaves of Til serves the same purpose. The decoction is given orally also to bring menstrual flow regularly.

A mixture of 20 drops of Til, 20 drops of lime water and 3 drops of plain water is very useful in the ailment of gonorrhoea. It relieves pain and brings clear urine.

The use of Til as a tonic in the winter season is well known. It is taken with coconut, dates etc.

A massage with Til oil produces a tonic effect and administered internally, the oil allays Vayu and reduces flatulence and obesity.


Garlic - Benefits in Home Based Treatments

Garlic (Lasuna) is one of the best known spices used in the kitchen and it is one of the most important home remedies.

It lacks in one taste, amla or sour Rasa. It is cultivated throughout world and the parts used are the pulp and the oil.

It is very hot in action, a stimulant and reduces vayu. It is a carminative, effective in rheumatic pains. It kills worms and the oil extracted from the seed has a stimulant effect. It has a typical odour, due to which certain religious – minded people avoid it but the majority of people in Indian take it for allaying vayu and kapha disorders.

The ancient ayurvedic texts mention its use as a Rasayana or rejuvenator. It has been claimed by medical authorities that patients suffering from phthisis, cough and bronchitis are benefited to a great extent by garlic preparations.

Garlic has both prophylactic and curative properties. It is widely used in the preparation of curries, vegetables, pickles and chutneys.

Garlic is boiled along with till oil until the bulb becomes reddish and allowed to cool. This oil poured into the ears 92 drops at a time) shows wonderful results in many ear troubles, earache and pus formation in the ear.

According to ayurvedic theory, the use of garlic renews the tissues, enriches the blood and cleans all the impurities, improves digestion, removes parasites from the intestines and patients suffering from the disorders of the lungs, hypertension, asthma, rheumatic pains, constipation, worms and dyspepsia can take it with advantage.

In the monsoon season, regular use of garlic keeps a person fine and fit and it protects the body from epidemics and endemics. Its use is also advantageous during the winter season. It is a wrong notion that garlic and milk cannot be used together. If milk is boiled with garlic bulbs and taken according to medical advice, it gives lot of stamina, and strength and increases vitality, vim and vigour.

This milk is called Rason Siddha Dugdha. Along with other ingredients like Salam, Shatavari, Gokharu, a special Paka is prepared known as Rasaona Paka, which increases appetite, regularizes circulation of the blood, gives a lot of stamina and relieves pain in the body and joints.

Garlic is also used externally. Bruised garlic and onion are applied in the form of poultice on the chest to relieve pain and congestion.

Persons suffering from neuralgia can also use it with advantage in the cold season.

Garlic juice mixed with 3 or 4 parts of ordinary or distilled water has been used as a lotion for washing wounds and foul ulcers. Definite improvement in the condition of infected wounds takes place within 24 ours after washing with this lotion and a very marked improvement is seen after 48 hours. Not only does the discharge decrease considerably but pain is also considerably relieved and in some cases disappears altogether. This application does not cause any injury to the tissues.

Garlic has a diuretic effect and hence it is used in dropsy or renal swelling. Some medical preparations with garlic, onion and red chillies made by experienced Vaidyarajas have shown a marvelous effect in cases of cholera where the stage of coma and collapse has been reached. These preparations have saved the lives of many people.

Garlic relieves flatulence. Patients suffering from sciatica as also women with attacks of hysteria can take it with advantage.

Garlic has been used in hundreds of ayurvedic preparations and one of the best known is Gandhaka Vati. It contains ginger, black pepper, salt, cumin seeds and garlic and is mixed with the juice of lemon. Two of those pills after the principal meals both times, relieves gas, dyspepsia, constipation, heart – burn, and hyper – acidity. It also kills the parasites and taken regularly for a month or two, it gives a feeling of general well – being as ear as the digestive system is concerned. In a few cases even reduction of weight has been noticed, with the disappearance of accumulation of fat on the abdominal wall.

In fact, a separate treatise could be written on the uses of garlic, which occupies a prominent place among grandma's home remedies.

It should, however, be remembered that garlic does not suit a few temperaments but such persons are few and those to whom it appears unsuitable should avoid its use as far as possible.