Barley Powder

Barley Powder Benefits, Natural Healing Herbs

Barley is grown in many provinces in India. Dry decorticated (peeled-off) grain and the seeds are used in medicine.

Barley contains fat, starch, albumin, cellulose and ash containing various acids, iron and lime. It is given as a nutritive food to invalids. Especially during convalescence. About 10 tolas of barley is boiled in 4 pints of water and reduced to two pints.

Barley is diuretic, brings clear urine and is useful in fevers. Sugar and a little limbu can be added to it, otherwise it can be prepared in milk. In cases of mucus colitis, or simple diarrhea with fever, it is used as a nutrient. It can be given to women after delivery.

A pudding is prepared in the following manner:

Take 4 tablespoons of barley powder. Add sufficient quantity of milk to form a thin paste, pour on it a quart of boiling milk, then add a little butter, a tablespoon of lump sugar, fresh lemon peel for flavouring, and two eggs which have been well beaten up. Mix all together very well, and bake for an hour and a half in a slow oven. This is very nutritious. Easy to digest and is given to invalids.

Barley is also good for persons suffering from diabetes and can take the place of normal food where rice is prohibited.

A well-known medicine prepared from barley is known as Yavakshara, which is effective in urinary disorders and renal calculi. It is given in dose of 4 rattis (8 grains) with coconut water or other suitable drink, morning and evening.

According to some authorities, barley has a laxative value and hence it should not be given in excess to those who have loose bowels.