Camphor and Camphor Oil

Uses of Camphor and Camphor Oil

This aromatic wood crystalline powder is imported from japan and China. Where the big trees grow. Various varieties are available and they have been analysed.

Kapur (Camphor) is being used in Ayurveda and according to the ayurvedic line of therapeutics, Kapur is biter, cold in action, light, useful to the eyes, aphrodisiac, decreases Kapha and Pitta and removes foul odor.

It is one of the best bactericides, very useful in ailments like cholera, hysteria, excessive thirst, and burning sensation and is used in disorders of the skin also.

It is a stimulant to the heart, it promotes the secretion of gastric juices and other secretions in the digestive tract and is given in the stage of coma where a patient is collapsing. It restores the pulse beat to the normal level. It removes foul Kapha, expels it and regulates respiration. It is used in oils and ointments for the purpose of application and it helps sweating. In the beginning it shows a stimulant effect and thereby produces a feeling of relaxation.

Taken in excessive dose it brings slight giddiness, heaviness in the head and the person becomes unconscious, with convulsions. It should also be given with care to pregnant women, but in very small dose it has an aphrodisiac effect. It is insoluble in water but soluble in milk and honey. The general dose is 1-2 rates (2-4 grains).

Distilled water in the form of liquid extract from camphor is used for cholera and vomiting and the most well – known medicine is prepared thus: Take camphor, peppermint and thymol in equal quantities in a suitable vehicle like tincture of cardamom. 5-10 drops, as the case may be, are given. This is given in several disorders like indigestion, cough, feverishness, mosquitbite, vomiting, diarrhea and it is a remedy which deserves to be kept at home and carried during journeys.

Camphor is used as a healing agent and forms an ingredient of the most well – known Ayurvedic dressing oil, Panchaguna Tail, which is used for cuts, wounds, bleeding, injuries and non-healing ulcers.

Camphor oil is applied for rheumatic pain, pain in the chest, back etc. Take one part of camphor and four parts of coconut oil. Warm the oil a bit, add camphor and preserve it in a bottle. This is very useful for massaging, even for infants.

Many of the cough lozenges contain camphor as an ingredient because it removes the foul odor from the mouth and expels Kapha.

Because of its germicidal properties it is included in many preparations for diarrhea and loose motions. One well had known preparation which contains camphor, nut – meg, mace, purified borax. Indrajava, opium, all mixed together and rubbed in plain water is Karpura Rasa, in the shape of pills of 2 grains, which are given in conditions of loose watery motions and their effect has been marvelous, stopping, as they do, the loose motions on the spot.

Camphor mixed with Asafetida is given in cases of feminine hysteria. It relieves abdominal gas and has a carminative effect.

Camphor rubbed in the milky juice of the Banyan tree is applied for white spots in the eyes.

Many of the tooth – powders contains Camphor, particularly of the Bhimseni variety. Such powders remove foul smell from the mouth and allay dental decay as well as toothache.

Camphor mixed with ghee is applied on non – healing wounds.

There are many preparations of camphor available in the form of emulsion, tincture, spirit and liniment. In short, camphor has manifold medicinal uses and its place among Home Remedies is unique.