
Jambool - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

The jambool tree is well known for its astringent properties. The bark, seeds, leaves and fresh roots are all used for medicinal purposes. The juice of the fruit is diaphoretic, anti – diabetic and useful in stomach disorders. According to an eminent physician, glucoside jamboline is said to have the powder of checking the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in case of increased production of glucose.

In chronic cases of dysentery and diarrhea, a decoction of the bark is found to be efficacious. A gargle with such a decoction helps in relieving laryngitis, pharyngitis, scurvy and painful bleeding gums.

The fruit has a cooling and soothing property, but is astringent and slightly sour, so it should never be taken with milk. It must also be remembered that the ripe fruit taken in excess causes gas trouble.

Dried seeds of jambool are powdered and given to diabetic patients. Extract of the juice is given with a little salt to patients suffering from jaundice. It is given every alternate day.

Jambool fruit also acts favorably where there is an enlargement of the spleen.

A medicinal preparation from jambool, known as "jambuasava," is useful in the treatment of diabetes. Half an ounce is given with an equal quantity of water after meals. It also removes debility, which is the main symptom of diabetes. Half an ounce of liquid extract prepared from the juice, taken on an empty stomach, is also beneficial for diabetic patients.

A syrup prepared out of the juice of fresh ripe fruit, with a little sugar, makes a nourishing, soothing and cooling drink in summer.

A dose of 20 to 40 grains of the seeds relieves scanty or suppressed urine.