Castor Oil Plant

Castor Oil Plant Benefits and Uses

It is cultivated throughout world. Two varieties are found, small and large as well as red and white. The seeds of the tree are peeled and the oil extracted is known as castor oil. Castor oil is now available in a refined form without the nauseating smell or taste.

According o Ayurveda, the castor tree is sweet, hot, allays Vayu and Kapha. It is heavy, useful in swelling, feverishness, coughing, digestive disorders and purgation.

Castor oil is cooling. Soothing and allays Vayu. The roots are laxative and in many a decoction they are included as Vatahara. The leaves are cooling and soothing.

Castor oil is an innocent and mild laxative. Which even infants, aged people and expectant mothers can take. It is a non-irritant purgative. When it reaches the duodenum. It is decomposed by the pancreatic juice into recinoleic acid, which irritates the bowels, stimulates the intestinal glands and the muscular coat and causes purgation. It never causes griping or pain. Some people add the juice of ginger and then it becomes a better carminative and appetizer. Many people take it with a cupful of milk or tea. In the initial stages castor oil is an effective laxative but with prolonged use it loses its effectiveness and the stools become hard.

The leaves of castor tree are a little hot and applied on the abdominal region bring clear menses.

In the early stages of dysentery some expert clinicians give castor oil and remove the accumulated faeces and then they start the astringent treatment to stop the loose motions.

The decoction prepared from dry ginger along with one or two teaspoonfuls of castor oil will give very clear motion.

There are several disorders like backache, sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, where the vitiation of Vayu is present and where the decoction of root of castor tree along with the decoction of ginger, with an addition of pure Shilajit, will offer relief

In painful affections of the rectum, such as fissures and piles, and to prevent strain while passing stool, castor oil in small doses is often of great help. It can also be applied locally with great benefit.

Castor oil is also used in several medicines of which the most well – known is Simhanada Gugula, of which 2 pills morning and evening with other suitable vehicles, has been found useful in cases of backache, sciatica and rheumatic pains.