
Garlic - Benefits in Home Based Treatments

Garlic (Lasuna) is one of the best known spices used in the kitchen and it is one of the most important home remedies.

It lacks in one taste, amla or sour Rasa. It is cultivated throughout world and the parts used are the pulp and the oil.

It is very hot in action, a stimulant and reduces vayu. It is a carminative, effective in rheumatic pains. It kills worms and the oil extracted from the seed has a stimulant effect. It has a typical odour, due to which certain religious – minded people avoid it but the majority of people in Indian take it for allaying vayu and kapha disorders.

The ancient ayurvedic texts mention its use as a Rasayana or rejuvenator. It has been claimed by medical authorities that patients suffering from phthisis, cough and bronchitis are benefited to a great extent by garlic preparations.

Garlic has both prophylactic and curative properties. It is widely used in the preparation of curries, vegetables, pickles and chutneys.

Garlic is boiled along with till oil until the bulb becomes reddish and allowed to cool. This oil poured into the ears 92 drops at a time) shows wonderful results in many ear troubles, earache and pus formation in the ear.

According to ayurvedic theory, the use of garlic renews the tissues, enriches the blood and cleans all the impurities, improves digestion, removes parasites from the intestines and patients suffering from the disorders of the lungs, hypertension, asthma, rheumatic pains, constipation, worms and dyspepsia can take it with advantage.

In the monsoon season, regular use of garlic keeps a person fine and fit and it protects the body from epidemics and endemics. Its use is also advantageous during the winter season. It is a wrong notion that garlic and milk cannot be used together. If milk is boiled with garlic bulbs and taken according to medical advice, it gives lot of stamina, and strength and increases vitality, vim and vigour.

This milk is called Rason Siddha Dugdha. Along with other ingredients like Salam, Shatavari, Gokharu, a special Paka is prepared known as Rasaona Paka, which increases appetite, regularizes circulation of the blood, gives a lot of stamina and relieves pain in the body and joints.

Garlic is also used externally. Bruised garlic and onion are applied in the form of poultice on the chest to relieve pain and congestion.

Persons suffering from neuralgia can also use it with advantage in the cold season.

Garlic juice mixed with 3 or 4 parts of ordinary or distilled water has been used as a lotion for washing wounds and foul ulcers. Definite improvement in the condition of infected wounds takes place within 24 ours after washing with this lotion and a very marked improvement is seen after 48 hours. Not only does the discharge decrease considerably but pain is also considerably relieved and in some cases disappears altogether. This application does not cause any injury to the tissues.

Garlic has a diuretic effect and hence it is used in dropsy or renal swelling. Some medical preparations with garlic, onion and red chillies made by experienced Vaidyarajas have shown a marvelous effect in cases of cholera where the stage of coma and collapse has been reached. These preparations have saved the lives of many people.

Garlic relieves flatulence. Patients suffering from sciatica as also women with attacks of hysteria can take it with advantage.

Garlic has been used in hundreds of ayurvedic preparations and one of the best known is Gandhaka Vati. It contains ginger, black pepper, salt, cumin seeds and garlic and is mixed with the juice of lemon. Two of those pills after the principal meals both times, relieves gas, dyspepsia, constipation, heart – burn, and hyper – acidity. It also kills the parasites and taken regularly for a month or two, it gives a feeling of general well – being as ear as the digestive system is concerned. In a few cases even reduction of weight has been noticed, with the disappearance of accumulation of fat on the abdominal wall.

In fact, a separate treatise could be written on the uses of garlic, which occupies a prominent place among grandma's home remedies.

It should, however, be remembered that garlic does not suit a few temperaments but such persons are few and those to whom it appears unsuitable should avoid its use as far as possible.