
Turmeric is one of the most useful or our condiments. Available in fresh form throughout the year, it is versatile in its uses.

The tubers and rhizomes are the parts used. Haldi acts as a stimulant, carminative, tonic, appetizer, astringent, decreases vayu (aches and pains) and is useful in blood impurities. It is used in the treatment of cough, anaemia, swelling, hiccups and ulcers. Here are some remedies with a Haldi base:

In cold and cough, tiny pieces of turmeric boiled in milk should be eaten and the milk drunk. This clears the throat.

Turmeric and Aamalaki (Embelic Myobalan) should be taken together in the form of a decoction. This will clarify the urine, remove constipation and lessen the burning sensation (if any) while passing urine.

Shodhal, a great authority on Ayurveda, suggests that the fresh leaves of tamarind and turmeric should be rubbed together and filtered with cold water. This water should be drunk once a day. This is a highly effective remedy and a preventive measure against smallpox.

For swelling caused by external injuries, turmeric rubbed in water and applied in the form of paste relieves pain and reduces swelling.

Turmeric given to women in the post-delivery period purifies breast-milk and strengthens up the reproductive organs.

Turmeric powder is used for rubbing on the skin of babies at the time of bath and this makes the skin nice, smooth and clean. Turmeric, however, is mixed with the powder or green gram, gingelly or yellow sarson (mustered) oil.

For diseases of the eye, tamarind leaves and turmeric in the form of a poultice externally applied to the eyes, relieves swelling and pain. Even if the eyes and ulcers are washed with a mild decoction of turmeric, they become clean and pain is reduced.

Fresh turmeric juice is applied to ulcers, wounds etc.

The powder of the root, 8 – 10 rattis (16 to 20 grains) twice a day with honey is given for dyspepsia, gastric troubles, flatulence and gastritis.

A paste of turmeric along with neem leaves is used for ringworm, itching, eczema and other skin disorders.

The preparation known as Brihata Haridrakhanala prepared from turmeric given in doses of 3 to 6 grains with a glassful of water morning and evening acts effectively in eradication of urticaria and other allergic manifestations. Further it purifies the blood.