
Sarsaparilla - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

The juice of the sarsaparilla root and bark is used in medicine. It is a valuable blood purifier. It increases the quantity of urine. It is diaphoretic and taking all its qualities into consideration, it has a good tonic effect on the body.

According to ayurvedic treatises, it increases the quantity of semen. It is a good stimulant, appetizer, especially beneficial in skin disorders and it maintains the equilibrium of the tridoshas.

There are two varieties available, black as well as white, Medicinally both have got the same virtues.

Indian Sarsaparilla is used to increase appetite and remove dyspepsia, at the same time improving the digestion. It decreases fever and is effective in cases of skin and nutritional disorders.

It is the experience of physicians of the traditional system of Indian medicine that in blood disorders and impurities of the skin, mere local applications do not work wonders; only temporary relief can be achieved.

If a blood purifier like Sarsaparilla is advinistered internally in the form of infusion, decoction, syrup, extract, powder of asava, it cures the disorder permanently and there is no relapse.

It cures the blood impurities, increases strength and improves the quality and quantity of semen. It can be given to a pregnant woman for the entire period of nine months and the new – born infant will be found to be healthy, fairskinned and handsome.

The infusion prepared from Sarsaparilla increases the quantity of urine and relieves any burning sensation while passing urine. Take about 2 ozs. Of the powder, boil it in 20 ozs. Of water and when there is a residue of about 2 ozs. Filter it. It increases urine and causes sweat.

In cases of gonorrhoea and syphilis, where the blood impurity is not relieved by any other drug, Sarsaparila produces a marvelous effect.

Sarivadyarishta is a well – known preparation made from Sariva (another Sanskrit name for sarsaparilla). Given ½ oz. with an equal quantity of water after the principal meals, it cures many blood disorders like hronic eczema. It relieves itching and is useful in csabies, ulcers, chronic blood disorders of a syphilitic origin, and allergic disorders. It is given also in cases of male infertility where venereal infection is cause.

There are several other ayurvedic preparations of Sariva in the form of ghee, jelly, oil and asava.