Guggula Or Gugul

Guggula Or Gugul - Benefits of Natural Healing Herb

Nowadays the problem of premature ageing is puzzling physicians and so many types of tonics are on sale that it would be quite proper to suggest a simple but effective ayurvedic tonic popularly known as Gugul or Balsamodendron Mukul.

Gugul trees are mainly cultivated in Cutch, Marwar and Saurashtra but are also found in other parts of the world. These trees grow to a height of 4 to 6 ft. In the winter and summer seasons their juice comes out and is collected in the form of Gugul. This Gugul is purified with a decoction of Triphala and the pure gugul thus obtained is used internally as well as externally. Although Gugul can be administered without being clarified, purified gugul is much more advantageous.

Gugul is a good and cheap tonic especially for the aged. The sweet variety from the Village Nara in cutch is considered to be the best.

Gugul is a blood purifier. It removes the impurities of blood through perspiration; impurity and discoloration of the skin is also cured by Gugul.

In chronic cases of rheumatism and arthritis it helps to relieve pain and produces a feeling of physical well – being. It keeps a person fit.

It is an appetizer as well as a carminative. It relieves vayu, strengthens the intestines, improves the digestive system and one gets good bowel movements.

In women obesity is often a problem. Scanty menses and painful periods due to accumulation of fat, and constipation respond favorably to the administration of gugul internally.

The usual dosage in all the above conditions will be 4-6 rattis or 8 to 12 grains two to three times a day.

Gugul is used in more than 100 ayurvedic medicines. Gugul in powder form mixed with ghee and applied in the form of a paste over a bandage on chronic and non – healing ulcers shows marvelous results.

Gugul, Sulphur and Borax all rubbed together in the form or ointment is an effective cure for what is known as Delhi Sore.

Pills prepared out of a mixture of Gugul, pure Shilajit and an extract of Gulancha, known as Shilajit Raayana, taken at the rate of 2 pills twice a day, counteract debility. It is particularly beneficial to people who are having trouble from enlargement of the prostate.

Given to women when the periods are about to cease, it relieves tension and other reactions. Vasaka, pepper, Honey and ghee along with gugul is a good remedy for chronic bronchitis.

Gugul, along with agar, khas, sandalwood etc. also makes a good incense.